3. Interaction and cooperation
Instructions open by pressing the blue arrows.
The goal in making art is active interaction where different views can be introduced and others have their voices heard. It should be possible to talk openly about problems.
Do I do my best to ensure that everyone genuinely hears each other and tries to put themselves in the other person’s shoes?
Am I belittling other people’s experiences and feelings?
Do I recognize the culture of silence and actively try to break it?
Do I encourage different opinions and assessments?
Do I present and receive criticism constructively?
Do I ensure that grievances that have arisen are addressed in an open discussion? Do I ensure that feedback is encouraged and that people who present criticisms are not treated inappropriately?
Do I tackle problems and look for solutions quickly?
The work of art should be separated from its creator. The creator’s privacy must be respected.
Do I take care that the artist or other parties involved in the production of the work are not shamed online or treated inappropriately?
Making art must be both physically and mentally safe. Harassment, bullying and discrimination are prohibited. The right to safety and fair treatment applies to everyone, including the public. Being able to give criticism also means being able to receive it.
Have I thought about how to create safer working conditions for everyone?
Have I considered the impact of my speech on creating a safer space?
Do I listen thoroughly and equally to all parties in situations that have caused problems?
Language and working methods are constantly changing.
Do I understand that nobody can always control correct language or actions?
Do I try to develop the work environment constructively by asking questions or giving advice if necessary?
Art evokes a wide range of emotions, and not all negative emotions arise from improper activity. Have I made sure that any feeling of discomfort is not caused by, for example, an artistic conflict or differing opinions?
The methods and practices used when collaborating must be acceptable to all participants. Everyone must share the responsibility for a conducive working atmosphere.
Do I sufficiently take into account the burden of making art on the other parties involved in making it?
Have I ensured that the working hours and demands of the work are suitable for all parties, and have I taken into account any justified needs for change?
Does everyone participating in the collaboration really have the right to influence situations when someone may perceive activities as inappropriate or harmful?
When working for somebody else, am I taking responsibility for acting properly and professionally?
Making art can give rise to strong emotions and tense situations. In a conflict situation, do I remember to assess whether it has been born of differences in opinions or visions?
Can I accept ordinary and factual feedback as part of my professional development?
Do I clear up problems specifically with the people involved?
When working together or as a team, responsible persons or supervisors must be named at the start. Participants and parties must know who to contact and how to act in potential problem situations.
Am I aware of my own and others’ work-related responsibilities and rights?
Have I taken into account that determining the responsible person may mean the need for an external actor in the case of a project-specific team or other freely organized collective?
Have work practices been mutually agreed upon, and is the flow of information sufficient?
A professional in the field of culture must recognize when and in what way they act in a supervisory position. No one should assume a senior position without at the same time familiarizing theirself with the responsibilities associated with it.
As a supervisor, am I acting as required by legislation?
The supervisor or a member of the work group in a leading position must be aware of their responsibilities and take care of the participants’ safe and ethically-sustainable working conditions.
As a person in charge, have I made sure that I am sufficiently familiar with the legislation and necessary instructions to create appropriate conditions? Am I educating myself as necessary and monitoring new developments related to working in the surrounding society?
Do I know the ethical guidelines for my art field, and do I follow them?
Pursuing the best artistic results can sometimes conflict with good management practices. Do I have an open attitude to various solutions that improve wellbeing at work?
As a member of the executive board of an association that acts as an employer, have I ensured that I have sufficient expertise to ensure that the employee is treated in accordance with the law?
Obstacles to decision-making should be identified and taken into account.
Do I recognize attachments or prejudices that easily arise in a small country based on kinship, friendships or other relationships?